Isn't it crazy how you ask God for something and then forget that you asked until it comes... I'm not talking about "God please give me a million dollars" kind of prayers, or even asking for "things" kind of prayers... but when we pray things like, "Lord, help me to grow up in this area" or "Help me change the way I think about that situation"...
When people say that God doesn't answer prayers, I think "Well, clearly they've never asked for patience!" Those are the kinds of prayers I'm talking about. Ones that slip out in a moment of spiritual clarity, usually prompted by the Holy Spirit, and we forget about them. Then things start happening, things that produce patience, or growth, or changes. And we start asking, "What is going on?! Why am I going through this? God where are you? Why are you pulling away?..."
I love that God isn't afraid to bring situations into our lives that could either drive us away or pull us toward Him. He's willing to let us stumble around for a while, or for a really long time, until we come to the point where we realize He's all we need -- again, for the millionth time. God loves to grow us, to change us to become more like Him, to nurture the fruit of the Spirit in us. He always answers the prayers that agree with what He's already got planned for us, for our benefit, and with His heart for us.
He loves us.
So the next time you find yourself there, in that place where you feel lost, alone, desperate, and you're asking, "What is going on?" Look back and see if there wasn't a prayer...a thought...a cry. When the situation's tough, and you ask God to grow you through it, know that the storm may rage a bit longer than you expected. But when you come out, you'll be as pure silver, refined by the great I AM for His name, and His renown!