I got some sad news this morning. Nothing personal, just something hard a friend and her family are going through. But it's been a month or two of these kinds of things, personal and relational. Loss. Pain. Anger. 2017 is off to a rough start.But I started reading through the Bible this morning... I know I'm late to the party! Most people start in January to read through the Bible in a year. But hey, at least I'm starting!
I read through the first three chapters of Genesis, ending with the curse. And it weighed so heavy on my heart... that sin separated us from God, that life without Him is hopeless and hard and painful. And as I thought about the weight of it all, I was reminded in my spirit:
"But then God..."
Satan's lies may seem true, and when we believe them and act on them, sin comes in and separates.
But then God...
We may lose hope, lose heart, lose people.
But then God...
Words are spoken, relationships broken, pain, heartache, hell ensues.
But then God...
And I turned to Matthew to read the first chapter of the New Testament, and I read these words, "The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ." And relief washed over me. He came.
The Curse was broken.
I was reminded that through all of life's difficulties, trials, and heartache, He reigns. He came. He broke the curse. And He is reigning on high. There is no one, no thing, that is greater or more powerful. He is it. And He chose me. He chose you. He brought us into His family with all of our filth and sin, with all our unworthiness. He's not going anywhere. You can't scare Him away. He's with you. Whatever you may be going through, however you may be hurting, remember:
He's got you, His precious child, in His hands. He will never leave nor forsake you. He is fighting for you. He is watching over you. He is with you.
Will you surrender to Him to let Him have His way in your life? Will you allow Him to reign, to call the shots, to be G-O-D? Whatever difficult thing you are going through He has something on the other side that will blow. your. mind. He can't help but bring LIFE and JOY and PEACE because that's who He is.
But then God...